Christian Journal – 1995/1 – Transport of Delight
Baz Wielenga: The Idol of Speed and the God of Life
Transport correspondent: The Sane Alternative
Jo Jennings: Sheffield Transport
Nigel Coates: Transport Policy in Oxford
Alan Storkie: A Christian Economics of Transport
Sophia Marriage: Oxleas wood
BR employee: The story of the Settle to Carlisle Line
Philip Insall: Sustrans builds road to freedom
Timothy Gorringe: Pilgrimage
Margaret J Cooke: Epiphany
Virginia Rounding: Nunc Dimittis
Michael Perks: God in winter
Liturgy Prayers for a journey. Kathy Galloway
Book reviews
‘With burning hearts’ by Henri Nousen
‘Capital and the Kingdom’ by Timothy Gorringe
‘Christian mission in the twentieth century’ by Timothy Yates.
Christian Journal – 1995/2 – Africa
John Pobee: Daring to dream a new heaven and a new earth in Africa
Jeremy Pemberton: Bound for the Word of God
Julienne Munyaneza: Miracles do still happen
Denise Ackerman: Witness in South Africa
J A Azumah: Islam and Christianity in Africa
George Bebawi: Witness in Egypt
Carol Bebawi: Dialogue in Egypt
Jennifer Chiwela: The effect of Structural Adjustment Programmes on women in Zambia
Makerere School of Fine Art: Garbage Birds
Margaret Connor: Gordon’s Garden Tomb
Margaret McAllister: Fruit harvest
Dinah Köjö: I saw No One
Liturgy for the Healing of the Nations in Africa. Devised by Janet Hodgson
Book reviews
‘Faces of Jesus in Africa’ ed Robert J Schreiter
‘The interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-1986. Stephen Neill & Tom Wright.
Christian Journal – 1995/3 – The Rhythm of the Seasons
David Adam: The Rhythm of the Seasons
Ronald Blythe: A Sacred Calendar
Hugh Monefiore: Gaia
Anthony Russell: The Church of England in the Contemporary Countryside
Terry Miller: Rural Reality
Patrick J Riley: A glance at what is happening at Glastonbury
William Denning: God’s dream
Tim Gorringe: Reflection
Geoff Smith: Prayer Walk
Bernard Saint: Touch
Margaret Cooke: Destinations
Liturgy Celebration of the Abundance of Creation. Jane Horton & Mary Robins
Film review Priest
Book review ‘Celebrating Women’ ed Hannah Ward, Jennifer Wild, Janet Morley.