Christian Journal – 1996/2 – Priesthood
Chris Peck: deluded servants?
Janet Wootton: The Priesthood of all believers
David Thompson: Lay Presidency at the Eucharist
Christine Farrington: Priesthood in post-denominational China
Michael Roberts: Priesthood
Ian Fraser: Papermill Priest
Maggi Dawn: Diary of an Ordinand
David Barlow: moving out
Antoni Pospieszalski: A personal view of priesthood
Sr Annaliese: A response to the challenge of ‘The People of God’
Jeremy Young: The Image and the Man
Jeremy Young: Surprised by angels
Geoff Smith: Prayer Walk
Liturgy I am the Resurrection. Compiled by Alwyn Marriage
Book reviews
‘The Candles are still Burning’ ed Mary Grey, Andrée Heaton & Danny Sullivan
‘Angel and me’ by Sara Maitland
Cassette review ‘Peace till the moon fails’ St Michael’s Convent, Ham Common.
Christian Journal – 1992/3 – The Celtic Fringe
Esther de Waal: Celtic Christianity
Sean O Duinn: Celtic Spirituality
Dafydd Elis Thomas: Re-emergence of Welsh Wales
Bob Holman: Away from the Highlands and Islands tourist route
Sally Hastings: Ireland at the Crossroads
John Bell: Post mortem
R S Thomas: Afallon
R S Thomas: Retired
Davie Webster: Iona Mo Chridhe
Mary Sheepshanks: Transmission from Iona
Liturgy from Carmina Gadelica
Book reviews
‘George MacLeod’ by Ronald Ferguson
‘Sent by the Lord’ ed John Bell
‘A wide open heart’ compiled by Nadir Dinshaw.
Christian Journal – 1996/3 – Dance
Lynn Frances: Sacred Circle Dance. A means of renewal
Kate Gregg-King: Robert Cohan’s Stabat Mater
Ella Jane Barker: Humour in Dance
Sarah Adams: Moving against the grain
Sarah Dawson: Enabled, not disabled
Alwyn Marriage: the Tripudium
Annie Elkins: T’ai-Chi Ch’uan
Elizabeth Learner: The importance of dance in the rave culture
Francis Barboza, SVD: Religion and dance in India
Alwyn Marriage: Dancing into Church
Simon Overton: Una hora
Cara Mary, SSC: Raspberry
Liturgy The Dance of the Holy Trinity. Una Kroll
Book review ‘Reaffirming the Church of England’ by Hugh Montefiore.
Christian Journal – 1992/4 – Youth Church
Carmel Heaney: Old Truths/ New Lies
Nikki Arthy: Come join the dance for justice
Brian Phillips: Taizé
Maggie Smith: L’Arche
Carol Holliday: College House
Alison Gelder: Student Cross
Claire Wilton: New Roots, Hull
Gregory Briffa: The Youth Church
Patrick Clarke: At the edge
Stephen Verney: I AM
Marshall Coombs: Early Autumn Sunlight
Robin Shirley: Quaker Apples
Geoffrey Daniel: The Diary of Anne Frank
Jack Clemo: Voyages
Liturgy Hymn ‘We reach out hungry hands’ by Jeremy Davies
Book of photography ‘Pillars of the Church’ by Jane Bown
Video ‘Barriers or Bridges’ by the Columban Fathers
CD ‘Meditation in sound’ Virgin Classics.
Christian Journal – 1996/4 – Water
Brian Clarke: Water – under pressure
Simon Barrow: Water. Gift or Commodity?
Richard Fernandez: Meter madness
Ray Heslop: Thirsty cities and the sanitary crisis
John Gould: Harvesting the rain
Success stories: Pumps in Nepal; Pits in Ethiopia
Ama Annan: Water and Conflict in the Nile Basin
Stephen Verney: Rivers flowing through the desert
Mike Perks: Granny is an Icon
Margaret Connor: Meeting place
Liturgy Water of Life, compiled by Michaela Morris
Reviews ‘Retrieving Fundamental Theology’ by Geoffrey O’Collins SJ
‘Human Rites’ ed Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild
‘The Cured Arno’ by Jack Clemo.
Christian Journal – 1993/1 – Work
David Bleakley: Beyond work
Eileen Maybin: Weaving through debt
Ricarda Leask: Work
Geoffrey Brogden: Givers – not receivers. The potential of the unemployed
Robin Richardson” Quite an Agenda – jobs and racial justice
Chris Beedle: Overwork
Sr Eileen Mary: Who am I?
Mary Sheepshanks: Dust Storm
Geoffrey Daniel: Madonna of the Washing
Jean Harrison: That human hands have made
David Lethbridge: On a mantlepiece
Liturgy Some modern psalms
Film review Sister Act
Book reviews
‘What lies ahead – listening to refugees’ by Christians Aware
‘Still following Christ in a consumer society’ by John F Kavanagh
‘Celebrating Common Prayer’.
Christian Journal – 1997/1 – Communication
Dafne Plou: Global Communications Imbalance
Michael Durber: Looking for God in Babel
Graham Starling: Low-tech high-technology
Sophia Marriage and Dilip Sequeira: The Internet and the World-Wide Web
Peter Hall: A Church slowto speak
Simon Barrow: The Tabloid Pulpit
Ruth Page: The trouble with relatives
Elaine Kennedy: The Messenger
Claire Laland: Make your voice heard
Belinda Searle-Barnes: Healing beyond words
Kenneth Leech: Transforming , communicative silence
Updates from earlier issues of Christian
Andrea Mitchell: The work Christmas involves
E Leat: Unto you is born
Andrea Mitchell: Who are you?
Liturgy WACC World Congress, Mexico.
Christian Journal – 1993/2 – Human Sexuality
John S Spong: Monogamy
Susan Howatch: Clerical Casualties
Ann Lewin: Sex and the single Christian
Alwyn Marriage: In praise of Sexuality and Spirituality
Ruth H Sihlangu: Adolescent sexuality in Zimbabwe
Elizabeth Stuart: Bearing the marks of crucifixion – or resurrection
Richard Holloway: Can the Church lead the way towards a new sexual ethic?
Margaret Connor: The First Time
Andrew Salmon: Helen
Andrew Salmon: Adultery
Rupert M Loydell: Touching Truth
Liturgy Meditations by Jim Cotter
Book reviews
‘Daring to speak love’s name’ ed Elizabeth Stuart
‘Partners in Protests’ by Diana Collins
Exhibition review
Eric Gill, Barbican Gallery.
Christian Journal – 1997/2 – Reconciliation
Paul Oestreicher: Reconciliation. A search for its meaning
David and Frances Hawkey: Small steps to reconciliation
Diana and John Lampen: The truth shall make you free
Shanthi Hettiarachchi: Reconciliation, a religious challenge
Nelson Kraybill: Conflict and Church Decision Making
Mary Jo Radcliffe: A reconciling symbol
Ian Johnson: Learning from Hebron
Jean Blanchard: Bird of Passage
Eric Leat: The Last Supper
Margaret Connor: Spring
Updates from earlier issues of Christian
Liturgy for Reconciliation compiled by Ruth Harvey
‘Peace in Ireland, Two States, One People’ by David Bleakley
‘Celebration. A story of suffering and joy’ by Margaret Spufford.
Christian Journal – 1993/3 – Music
Jonathan Dove: Making a joyful noise
Terri Coyle: To face the music
Maggie Hamilton: Sing freedom!
Gabrielle Power: Quality versus participation?
Tony Jasper: Contemporaty Music and Protest
David Stancliffe: Tuning our lives
Mary Grey: Meditation for Annunciation – Lady Day
Stephen Tunnicliffe: Bow in the Cloud
Alex Warner: Keeper of the Bees
Alex Warner: Oh Wisdom
Liturgy 4 new hymns by June Boyce-Tillman
Book reviews
‘In tune with heaven’, Report of Archbishops’ Commission on Church Music
‘Euros Bowen. Priest-poet’ ed Cynthia & Saunders Davies
‘Approach to Murano’ Jack Clemo
‘Mass for hard times’ R S Thomas
Band review ‘Iona. Band on the Wall’.
Christian Journal – 1997/3 – Community
Jeanne Hinton: Little acorns grow
Gillian Maher: Social Action to Community
Alan J Riley: Is there a European community?
Jennifer Wild: Community after Community
Colin Evans: The value of soap
Brett Webb-Mitchell: Standing in need of prayer
Gemma Simmonds, IBVM: Religious community
Jean Mayland: Reconciling the broken community of women and men in the Church
Jean Vanier: Community, a place of healing and growth
Ivy Russell: Eyes of Love
Andrea Mitchell: My cup is full
Sophie Moore: Cook me up a poem
Frances M Thomas: Prayer
Community Liturgy by Kate McIlhagga
‘The Sign of Love’ by Tim Gorringe
‘I tell you a mystery’ by Johann Christoph Arnold
‘Theology and Sociology. A reader’ ed Robin Gill
‘Dictionary of Feminist Theologies’ ed Letty Russell and Shannon Clarkson.
Christian Journal – 1993/4 – The Dispossessed
Magali do Nascimento Cunha: Good news from the dispossessed
Lily Griffiths: East Timor’s struggle for self-determination
Eileen Barker: Armenia
Geoffrey Brogden: The cost of being different. Romany
Heather Spears: Children of the Intifada
Frank Turner, SJ: Theological Reflections
Martyn Halsall: Advent
Margaret McAllister: The Woman in Blue
Verrier Elwin: The Child and the Rood
Liturgy by Janet Hodgson
Book review
‘Din Sevak, Verrier Elwin’s life of service in tribal India’
Exhibition review
Henry Moore and the sea. Pallant House, Chichester.