Christian Journal – 1993/2 – Human Sexuality
John S Spong: Monogamy
Susan Howatch: Clerical Casualties
Ann Lewin: Sex and the single Christian
Alwyn Marriage: In praise of Sexuality and Spirituality
Ruth H Sihlangu: Adolescent sexuality in Zimbabwe
Elizabeth Stuart: Bearing the marks of crucifixion – or resurrection
Richard Holloway: Can the Church lead the way towards a new sexual ethic?
Margaret Connor: The First Time
Andrew Salmon: Helen
Andrew Salmon: Adultery
Rupert M Loydell: Touching Truth
Liturgy Meditations by Jim Cotter
Book reviews
‘Daring to speak love’s name’ ed Elizabeth Stuart
‘Partners in Protests’ by Diana Collins
Exhibition review
Eric Gill, Barbican Gallery.
Christian Journal – 1997/2 – Reconciliation
Paul Oestreicher: Reconciliation. A search for its meaning
David and Frances Hawkey: Small steps to reconciliation
Diana and John Lampen: The truth shall make you free
Shanthi Hettiarachchi: Reconciliation, a religious challenge
Nelson Kraybill: Conflict and Church Decision Making
Mary Jo Radcliffe: A reconciling symbol
Ian Johnson: Learning from Hebron
Jean Blanchard: Bird of Passage
Eric Leat: The Last Supper
Margaret Connor: Spring
Updates from earlier issues of Christian
Liturgy for Reconciliation compiled by Ruth Harvey
‘Peace in Ireland, Two States, One People’ by David Bleakley
‘Celebration. A story of suffering and joy’ by Margaret Spufford.
Christian Journal – 1993/3 – Music
Jonathan Dove: Making a joyful noise
Terri Coyle: To face the music
Maggie Hamilton: Sing freedom!
Gabrielle Power: Quality versus participation?
Tony Jasper: Contemporaty Music and Protest
David Stancliffe: Tuning our lives
Mary Grey: Meditation for Annunciation – Lady Day
Stephen Tunnicliffe: Bow in the Cloud
Alex Warner: Keeper of the Bees
Alex Warner: Oh Wisdom
Liturgy 4 new hymns by June Boyce-Tillman
Book reviews
‘In tune with heaven’, Report of Archbishops’ Commission on Church Music
‘Euros Bowen. Priest-poet’ ed Cynthia & Saunders Davies
‘Approach to Murano’ Jack Clemo
‘Mass for hard times’ R S Thomas
Band review ‘Iona. Band on the Wall’.
Christian Journal – 1997/3 – Community
Jeanne Hinton: Little acorns grow
Gillian Maher: Social Action to Community
Alan J Riley: Is there a European community?
Jennifer Wild: Community after Community
Colin Evans: The value of soap
Brett Webb-Mitchell: Standing in need of prayer
Gemma Simmonds, IBVM: Religious community
Jean Mayland: Reconciling the broken community of women and men in the Church
Jean Vanier: Community, a place of healing and growth
Ivy Russell: Eyes of Love
Andrea Mitchell: My cup is full
Sophie Moore: Cook me up a poem
Frances M Thomas: Prayer
Community Liturgy by Kate McIlhagga
‘The Sign of Love’ by Tim Gorringe
‘I tell you a mystery’ by Johann Christoph Arnold
‘Theology and Sociology. A reader’ ed Robin Gill
‘Dictionary of Feminist Theologies’ ed Letty Russell and Shannon Clarkson.
Christian Journal – 1993/4 – The Dispossessed
Magali do Nascimento Cunha: Good news from the dispossessed
Lily Griffiths: East Timor’s struggle for self-determination
Eileen Barker: Armenia
Geoffrey Brogden: The cost of being different. Romany
Heather Spears: Children of the Intifada
Frank Turner, SJ: Theological Reflections
Martyn Halsall: Advent
Margaret McAllister: The Woman in Blue
Verrier Elwin: The Child and the Rood
Liturgy by Janet Hodgson
Book review
‘Din Sevak, Verrier Elwin’s life of service in tribal India’
Exhibition review
Henry Moore and the sea. Pallant House, Chichester.
Christian Journal – 1997/4 – Imprisonment
Paul Cavadino: Purposes of Imprisonment
John R Cassayd-Smith: Thoughts on being inside
James Ozigi: Black people in prison – a cause for concern
Beverley A Lawrence Beech: Lock ‘em up – and take away the key
Peter Knapper: Shalom and Reconciliation
Hugh Marriage: Tagging - the alternative for the Millenium
Marcel: Marcel’s story
Alison Cobb: Mental prison
Linda Hunter: Tight-rope walker
Bernard Saint: Fountain
Liturgy Prayers for prisoners of conscience, from Amnesty International
Video review ‘The Life of Lindisfarne’, Pathway Productions
Music review ‘Elements’ by Maggi Dawn
Book reviews
‘Prejudice in Religion’, ed Peter Cornwall
‘Catholicism. Hard questions’ by John Redford.
Christian Journal – 1994/1 – Paths to Spirituality
Christine Roberts: Searching
Judith Lancaster: Prayer and the Preoccupied
Tim Jenkins: A Materialist Account of Prayer?
Sylvia Roberts: The People of God
Sheila Cassidy: Trust in Darkness
Walter Wink: Against perfectionism
R Rabindranath Menon: Eden Revisited
June Maynard: New Birth
Pat Laycock: The Butterfly
Geoffrey Smith: Stop
Liturgy Come down to the tea run.
Book reviews
‘Towards the city’ Psalms by Jim Cotter
‘Gather the fragments’ Alan Ecclestone
‘The F-word’ by Caroline Bailey & Martin Davies.
Christian Journal – 1998/1 – Rediscovering the Bible
Colin Greene: Rediscovering the Bible
Mona D Hooker: The words and the Word
Carlos Mesters: The Bible in the hands of the poor
Chris Peck: Razor blade or rubber hammer?
Ivana Dolejsova: The Bible as a tool for resistance
Robert Beckford: Prayer meeting hermeneutics
Kristin Ofstad: Assembling the picture
John Henson: Introducing One, version of the New Testament
Louise Swanston: A Prayer for all Seasons
Audrey Smallpiece: New Song
Liturgy prepared by Graham Maule
Video review ‘The Story Keepers’, Mowbray
Book reviews
‘James, Brother of Jesus’ by Pierre-Antoine Bernheim
‘Grace and mortgage’ by Peter Selby.
Christian Journal – 1994/2 – To Act Justly
Shakuntala Banaji: Universal justice. Utopia or reality?
David Haslam: The struggle against apartheid
Andrew Radford: Baby milk action
Dee Price: Light a candle, curse the darkness
Stephen Hancock: Swords into ploughshares
Edmond L Browning: Calling the Church to stewardship
Thomas Cullinan: When you eat this bread …
Philip Allin: Ex libris
Virginia Rounding: Surrounded
Anne Richards: Solomon’s judgement
Jean Blanchard: A poem for Holy Week
Geoffrey Smith: Under the fell
Liturgy A liturgy for peace in a time of trouble. Doreen Hudson-Tobin
Book reviews
‘Witness against the Beast’ E P Thompson
‘Psalms of patience, protest and praise’. John Bell
‘Engaging the Powers’ by Walter Wink.
Christian Journal – 1998/2 – International Encounter
David Cowling: From Encounter to Transformation
Jeanne Hinton: Experiencing the Church in movement
Margaret Opie-Smith: More than strangers on our doorstep
Sue Keegan von Allmen: Making mission meaningful
Mark Sanger and Heinz Hunke: Meeting in Cyberspace
Asha Cornelius: Partners in a time of change
Ann Dew: Turning the prayer wheels
Simon Barrow: Encountering otherness in Christ
Ann Lewin: Unwelcome visitor (after breast cancer)
Ann Lewin: Marked for life
Ann Lewin: Vulnerable
Margaret Connor: Late Spring
Liturgy Encountered in God – A Meditation. Ernesto Cardenal
Book reviews
‘Dancing on the Edge’ by Richard Holloway
‘God and the web of creation’ by Ruth Page.
Christian Journal – 1994/3 – The Play Is The Thing
Michael Austin: Theatre & Liturgy
Keith Ramsay: The postwar revival of the Mystery Plays
Fiona Shaw: Some weeks ago I flew to Ireland
Vicky Ireland: The place of live theatre in the emotional world of the child
Peri Aston: Things fall together
James Roose-Evans: a ritual grows as we grow
Anthony Masters: Community Acting
Kate Partridge: The Prodigal Daughter
Sheila Cassidy: The Kingdom of God
Liturgy ‘The play’s the thing’, compiled by Michael Sadgrove
Film reviews Schindler’s List and Shadowlands.
Christian Journal – 1994/4 – Trevor Huddleston
Ruth McCurry interviews Archbishop Trevor Huddleston
Nadir Dinshaw: Interfaith ecumenism
Sr Denzil: Still point in a turning world
Eric James: One Sunday in Sophiatown
Jeremy Davies: Struggle and Contemplation
Sam Bickersteth: In the steps of Trevor Huddleston – Masasi 1991
Harry Matthews: The Huddleston Centre for Handicapped Children
Julian ScharfL Trevor Huddleston in East London
Desmond Tutu: Tribute to Archbishop Trevor Huddleston CR
Jack Clemo: George Muller
Heather Spears: Household
Liturgy Love by Oswald Mtshali.