Christian Journal – 1998/1 – Rediscovering the Bible
Colin Greene: Rediscovering the Bible
Mona D Hooker: The words and the Word
Carlos Mesters: The Bible in the hands of the poor
Chris Peck: Razor blade or rubber hammer?
Ivana Dolejsova: The Bible as a tool for resistance
Robert Beckford: Prayer meeting hermeneutics
Kristin Ofstad: Assembling the picture
John Henson: Introducing One, version of the New Testament
Louise Swanston: A Prayer for all Seasons
Audrey Smallpiece: New Song
Liturgy prepared by Graham Maule
Video review ‘The Story Keepers’, Mowbray
Book reviews
‘James, Brother of Jesus’ by Pierre-Antoine Bernheim
‘Grace and mortgage’ by Peter Selby.